2 Min FIX: Michelangelo: Dream BIG!
Today I'm entering the contest held by Imagine Impact to find the next large-scale action-adventure films for Netflix, with my latest...
2 Min FIX: Michelangelo: Dream BIG!
2 Min FIX: The Magic of Taking Action
2 Min FIX: Spot Fake News
2 Min FIX: 4 Mantras to Brighten Your Day
2 Min FIX: Be More Likable in 2 Minutes
2 Min FIX: Practice Gratitude
2 Min FIX: Best Advice from the Masters
2 Min FIX: Best Positive News Websites
2 Min FIX: 4 Reasons to Never Lose HOPE
2 Min FIX: Best of Virtual Travel
2 Min FIX: Cash is King
#1 Reason to Meditate
2 Min FIX: 4 Ways to Help During the Crisis
2 Min FIX: Travel to France During Quarantine
2 Min FIX: Get Your Affairs in Order During a Crisis
2 Min FIX: Earth Day Turns 50!
2 Min FIX: Quarantine Wisdom
HAPPY... Preparing My Oscar Party!
HAPPY... Being Generous
HAPPY... Drinking my coffee in a Mona Lisa cup